Professional Development

Professional Development Survey Results

I sent a survey to eight people that I work closely with and see every day. The survey results gave me responsiveness and assertiveness points. A combination of those points then added up to a personality type. I then compiled all of the points, types, and data to create these visualizations.

Word Cloud

In the survey, participants were given a list of adjectives and were told to select all that applied to my personality. I then took the results and created this word cloud. The adjectives that are red are the ones that I used to describe myself. The adjectives that are bigger and show up more frequently are adjectives that are popular to describe me.

My Takeaways

After taking a look at the results, I can’t say I’m shocked but I also can not say that I thought I would see everything that I saw.

The first thing that stuck out to me was how diverse the array of personality types I was getting, which is probably resemblent of all the diverse groups that I surround myself with. It facinates me how some people see me as a very assertive person and others see me as a very responsive person. Throughout the semester, I’ve noticed that I have been a more assertive person in my business communications group, and I think it has been working because people listen to what I say and what is important to me is what’s important to them. Going foreward I appreciate how people have a lot of different things to say about me, but I do want people to have a more consistent view of me. I don’t want to decieve anyone or come off as a fake person.

To clarify what I mean when I talk about this business communication group, from late August to early December of 2024 I am working with a group on projects for hypothetical New Horizons Consutant group, which is a hypothetical consultancy. Throughout that span we had peer evaluations where we can give each other anonymous feedback, and I provided a real quote from one of my teammates to the right. I was so happy when I read this quote because I have been working really hard at excellence with my group, which required professionalism. I love the person I am and always try to be myself, so when I hear things about me that affirm who I am I feel comfortable being authentic.

Another thing I am blown away by is the most popular result from the word cloud. Throughout my life, I’ve encountered many different types of people, and with that variety often comes a sense of competition and speculation. Being the biggest Survivor fan I know has only amplified my tendency to keep my guard up, so I was genuinely astonished when trust was the only characteristic that every respondent considered me as. This made me very disappointed in myself because I feel like I have let my peers down in a way, even though I’ve never done anything intentional to stop them from accomplishing something. Going foreword, I want to find that medium because I know I will have a hard time trusting people. I need to get to that sweet spot where I know I am a very trustworthy person but that will not let myself get taken advantage of by untrustworthy people.

Assertiveness v.s. Responsiveness Results

To the left is a chart where the Y- Axis is points for responsiveness and the X- axis is Assertiveness. Each survey result gets a blue dot and the dots move based on survey results. The red dot is my survey results, and the green dot is an average of my class peers. Each dot then falls into a personality quadrent. Quadrent one is expressive, and the rest follow as driver, analytical, and amiable. To better visualize how many surveys corresponded with each personality type, I attatched this pie chart.


Maybe sometimes you can show more emotion when talking with people to show them that you are interested in their convo. In a business setting that is crucial. Other than that I would say to make sure to look people in the eyes when you talk with them.
— My friends on what I do not understand about myself
He is constantly giving the group new concepts and ideas to work with and does an amazing job pulling his own weight. Last presentation he designed an entire website for us and did an outstanding job explaining it in the presentation. Keep it up Coby! Go Giants
— Anonymous Teammate